ST now has an eval board everyone can afford. No doubt like the msp430 launchpad ST must be delivering these at a loss. Personally I would rather have a bare bones eval board than a rubber ducky or mousepad with a logo, when it comes to the marketing folks giving away handouts. Perhaps that is whose budget is paying for this.
Anyway, thanks to there is some work underway to support the usb interface into the stlink side allowing access from linux to the evaulation chip. As with mcapitanio I have a lot more work to do on this (programming the flash or experimenting with other boot modes or loading methods) but for now I went with a trivial solution. Load ram (address 0x20000000) with a simple blink the leds program, while the stm32 was halted changed register 15 to point at the program in ram, then allowed the stm32 to run again and sure enough it blinks the leds. change the program to blink faster or slower, re-run the program and you can see the new program is loaded and running.
The code for this is on github
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